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Will I Bring Myself Up to This Level?

Bird in a Cage     From My Utmost for His Highest
. . . perfecting holiness in the fear of God —2 Corinthians 7

What’s the one thing that Christ calls us to do, but didn’t model Himself? [Tweet-it]

EXCERPTED FROM A Rooster Once Crowed: A Commentary on the Greatest Story Ever Told
  Chapter 7-Step This Way (pgs. 98-101):

Bruce Waltke, a famous Bible scholar, read the entire Bible looking at the idea of what it means to be righteous (to live justly in the world). He determined that the just or righteous are those who “are willing to disadvantage themselves to advantage the community; the [unjust] are willing to disadvantage the community to advantage themselves.”

So where does this meet you today? Whether the world has you by the throat or you own half the city, what does it look like to live righteously and what will you do to get there?

I’ve had a very real experience with this in September of 2012 . . .

A Rooster Once Crowed, My Utmost for His Highest, #stepthisway, tweets, linked audio, Post Secret, 2 Corinthians 7, Mark 1, James 5

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Taking the Next Step

Cocoa Needs Walking     From My Utmost for His Highest
. . . in much patience, in tribulations, in needs, in distresses —2 Corinthians 6

This title doesn’t mean what you think.

It’s not about taking it to the next level, breaking through the ceiling, moving past your current state. It’s about taking another step.

And, you guessed it, that’s my struggle lately. In the above linked Scripture, Paul’s talking about real afflictions. He’s been beaten, imprisoned, hungry, cold… There was nothing easy about Paul’s next step.

This may surprise you, but...

My Utmost for His Highest, #thosewhocantnot, tweets, 2 Corinthians 6

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Is This True of Me?

Kathleen & Biddy Chambers     From My Utmost for His Highest
None of these things move me; nor do I count my life dear to myself . . . —Acts 20

Do you know Chambers?

To understand today’s post, it’ll help to know a little bit about the one I identify, regularly as Chambers.

But I’m not talking about Oswald Chambers. To be sure, Oswald Chambers is the man behind the words. He was born in 1874 to a Baptist minister, accepted Jesus at fifteen and searched, like Paul and many others, for God’s will all his life. By 1911, Oswald was living his dream ministering to young pastors at the Bible Training College in London. Two years later a child, Kathleen, came and he was happy. But in 1914, war came to England.

Due to the war, Oswald Chambers’ college closed down and he left for Egypt to minister to British troops there. By all accounts he was a light in the midst of North African wartime darkness. It was hard service. In 1917, Oswald appeared to be recovering from surgery when he died, suddenly, in a Cairo hospital. That wasn't even close to the end for Oswald Chambers.

My Utmost for His Highest, #thosewhocantnot, Biddy Chambers, Kathleen Chambers, tweets, Acts 20

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