Nothing but the Blood - 4. First Blood
From Nothing but the Blood Audio
The Lord God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife, and clothed them. —Genesis 3
We’ve talked about the fall here some (click here to see some of the context and blessing of it), but this is new. We’re in the fourth part of a series answering the question:
Why did God choose blood as the currency to redeem mankind?
We’ve created a context (Billy Graham at Great St. Mary’s), seen the role of non-negotiables in relationship and established that blood is different than any other substance. But now, we’re going to examine specific examples of blood sacrifice (from just after the beginning) as clues to what God is telling us about Himself.
This may seem odd, but I’d submit that nothing in Scripture. . .
A Rooster Once Crowed, Genesis 3, #thefall, Billy Graham, Nothing But the Blood, Isaiah 11, Acts 7