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Great Divorce Los Angeles {GIVEAWAY}

Great Divorce on Stage

     From Fellowship of the Performing Arts & Full Porch Press
In the daytime (for there will be no night there) its gates will never be closed . . . —Revelation 21

Enter to win (2) free tickets to C.S. Lewis’ THE GREAT DIVORCE in Los Angles on July 12 at the Alex Theatre.

Veteran Broadway actors bring some of Lewis’ quirkiest, hopelessly flawed, yet redeeming characters to life on stage in 90 humorous, witty and enchanting minutes.

Showcased in an imaginative stage design that transforms the world from bleak and dark to lush and beautiful, THE GREAT DIVORCE takes audiences on a fabulous bus ride from a suburb in Hell to a celestial new world on the outskirts of Heaven.

Fellowship for Performing Arts is best known for its nationwide theatrical hit sensation, THE SCREWTAPE LETTERS.

For more information on THE GREAT DIVORCE and Fellowship for the Performing Arts click here.

CLICK BELOW TO ENTER and then put together a small group to attend. Significant discounts on group rates (10 or more) by calling 866-476-8707.


C.S. Lewis, The Great Divorce, Contest