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Great Divorce Atlanta {Giveaway}

the Great Divorce on stage at #thegreatcefuldance

     A Giveaway from Full Porch Press

For our citizenship is in heaven, from which also we eagerly wait for a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ . . . —Philippians 3

No other book helped me more to think about the ways we choose to be away from God instead of entering into Heaven than The Great Divorce.

That's why it is my pleasure to offer this giveaway from Full Porch Press. You and a guest will not only see this production, but together we'll join a small group at an area restaurant to meet the man behind this great ministry. Max McLean will bring a great perspective on what it took to step into the role of Screwtape and bring C.S. Lewis' great works to the stage.

Details are below and this contest is open to anyone, so feel free to forward along to others. There's even a way you can get three entries in one! We can't wait to see you there.

In registering below, we'll add you to our Back Porch friends. You can change that if you want, but you'll get an email when there's big news or new posts to the website. Like our Facebook page and you'll get two more entries into the contest.

A Rooster Once Crowed, C.S. Lewis, The Great Divorce, Contest