The Failure to Pay Close Attention
From My Utmost for His Highest
The high places were not removed from Israel. Nevertheless the heart of Asa was loyal all his days —2 Chronicles 15
Today’s Utmost hit me twice.
First, was something we discussed a couple weeks back in the Destitution of Service post about how the things that God impresses upon us are always small. He doesn’t say, “Put together a public works project so My people will have water to drink.” He says, “Speak to that rock.”
Asa thought he was covering the major things, and he disregarded the smaller things. He hesitated a few moments and convinced himself that the temples of the people were no big deal.
The second part of this post is more problematic for me.
There are times when I want to take a day off from God. I want to watch a show that I enjoyed before or blow off an obligation that I can get away with skirting. I want to break free from the yoke of this new boss I have that knows my every move.
But when I do, I realize I’m not the same person I was. I never really got that much enjoyment out of that show or shirking that responsibility before. But now, the victory hurts more. I’ve tasted clean cool water and I can’t stand to drink the other again. {Tweet}
Chambers points out, “As you cannot take a day off morally and remain moral {Tweet}, neither can you take a day off spiritually and remain spiritual.” I also hate how hard it is to get back to that feeling I had before of being close to God.
What I don’t get, and I’d love to get a conversation started about here, is why it, “takes a tremendous amount of time” to stay close to God? I’m not talking about salvation here—that’s secured with the acceptance of Jesus’ sacrifice. But what is the excellence in making the walk hard?
I don’t know. I believe there is a reason that it’s hard to follow, believe, serve and love. But I don’t know what it is.
One thought is that someday, that day, we will all “expect to rise above all of our problems, going from one mountaintop experience to another, with only a few minutes’ effort.”
I love you.
My Utmost for His Highest, tweets, Numbers 20, #tuneintolifesbelief, #thegreatcefuldance, 2 Chronicles 15