His Resurrection Destiny
From My Utmost for His Highest
"O foolish men and slow of heart to believe in all that the prophets have spoken! Was it not necessary for the Christ to suffer these things and to enter into His glory?” Then beginning with Moses and with all the prophets, He explained to them the things concerning Himself in all the Scriptures. —Luke 24
We sort of take it for granted, don’t we? How great is it that we have a readily available, readable translation bought with the blood of saints who gave their lives to share it?
I’ve often thought about what Jesus might have said to those men on their way to Emmaus. {TWEET} The news was so fresh and their heads must have been turning, like the end of a great movie when everything seems to come together.
Well, here’s a list of some Scripture and what Jesus may have said:
Genesis 3:15. From just after the beginning, the cross was the plan. {TWEET}
Joshua 6:13-15. I was with you constantly, as the head of the heavenly host, breathing God’s word and appearing to you.
Psalm 2. Even though this was the plan, as God prepared for the viciousness of it, the option to change, to correct your course and to go back was always yours. {TWEET}
Psalm 22. And so, for thousands of years (though to Us, just as real today as the moment we first felt it) I waited for the sacrifice that you, the debtor demanded. {TWEET}
Psalm 119. When you see this, then every Word of Scripture will affirm what was to happen, Who I am and how you can be.
Isaiah 19:20-25. But out of brokenness, I will make good. {TWEET} Because of Israel’s failure, I will open the covenant to all people.
Isaiah 30:20-26. And so the time is now for all of this to be revealed to you in the bright of day because humanity can now bear, barely, the weight of what We have done.
Isaiah 41:25. Just as was promised, but not as you expected (get used to that), I have come and brought peoples that hate each other together more than you can now know.
Isaiah 42:1-4. See, We’ve been telling you that I was coming for a very long time. And all the hints were really so that you’d recognize me.
Isaiah 49:1-16. And so this is where you come in. I’ve blazed the path and shown you the way. You can’t earn into Me, but you can be like Me and inscribe others on the palms of your hands. {TWEET}
Isaiah 50:4-11. Not alone because there’s more coming. Because the way I paid the debt, NOW you’ll remember. And now, there’s a way.
Isaiah 52:13-53:12. So go. Believe. Love recklessly. And serve knowing that my sacrifice guarantees that:
a) Everything bad will be turned to good,
b) The good things will never be taken away, and
c) The best things are yet to come. {TWEET}
This is the Gospel of our Lord, and, maybe, a piece of the conversation that Jesus had with the men on the road to Emmaus. What do you think? What else would our Lord have pointed out?
I love you.
My Utmost for His Highest, teaching on the road to Emmaus, Genesis 3, Joshua 6, Psalm 2, Psalm 22, Psalm 119, Isaiah 30, Isaiah 19, Isaiah 41, Isaiah 42, Isaiah 49, Isaiah 50, Isaiah 52, Luke 24, #thewaitofthegospel, tweets