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Transformed by Beholding [Busyness or God]

Chambers' Gut Punch    From My Utmost for His Highest

We all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image . . . —2 Corinthians 3:18

Ever get ready to receive a compliment—I might even begin to put on my humility cloak thinking, “Oh no. That’s kind of you, but if you only knew.”—and instead you get a punch in the gut?

That’s what Chambers did for me today. That first paragraph seemed like a pat on the back, but…

It was just a ruse. I thought we were going to talk about something that I felt pretty good about, but Spirit-filled writing doesn’t work that way. It takes a turn that, although written nearly 100 years ago, meets me right where I am. Today.

This book—A Roster Once Crowed—has taken it out of me. I’ve actually been Peter, busy in the courtyard and I can’t stop being busy in Caiphas’ courtyard. I’m there doing whatever it takes to help Jesus when all He wants is for me to fall at His feet and worship there. I keep saying, “I know. Tomorrow. I’ve just got a few more things to get done…”

Last night I prayed that I would give this all to God. I prayed I would slow up so God’s moving in this would magnify His hand in it all. Instead of me being able to say, “I did all that I could do to get this story out,” I would be able to say, “I did the least I could do so everyone would know that God did it.”

And then I wake up this morning and pay for a reasonably expensive piece of software to make these posts more discoverable. I’ve seen the busyness of things obscure my concentration on God. I’ve let a hurried lifestyle disturb the relationship of abiding in Him. I know that I am transformed by the things I sow into. Only a fool thinks that the things we watch, read, hang out with, listen to, spend our time doing or look at don’t affect us—I know they do and yet, I pretty regularly choose busyness.

But if from there is a great perspective. It works if it becomes repentance—turning from that thing toward Another. So where do I go if I can’t/won’t let go of that first thing? I haven’t, but I’m comforted by the verb tense of the Scripture of today. We “are being transformed” into the image of Christ, and I can see that progress in me.

Lord Jesus, give me the strength to lift this thing onto the altar and the wisdom to want to do it and the discernment to bring down the knife. I give this all to you. I’m not sure I’m going to cancel the software or stop these posts, but can We start with the step that I’m willing to? I ask You to take me out of this and to show me the plays—where to run, where to stand, when to pivot and when to block. I don’t want to go back, but I want what you want more. Show me Your face—unveiled—so that I can know what, in me, that You love and what You hate. Clear my calendar and fill it back for You. I love You. Amen.

I love you.

My Utmost for His Highest, relationship with God, 2 Corinthians 3, Deuteronomy 4, #thegreatcefuldance